Our excitement about tomorrows move into our fantastic new office on Market Place in Oakham has been tempered by the current turmoil caused by COVID-19. We are very much looking forward to inviting our clients and purchasers once the current uncertainty settles down…and it will!!
We are particularly pleased that the market is still functioning, albeit at lower volumes with buyers recognising property as a secure, long term investment in contrast to the volatility currently seen in the stock market.
We are of course taking the health and wellbeing of our wonderful team very seriously and when meeting our loyal clients at viewings and valuations, we are taking sensible precautions. This includes restricting the viewers to the decision makers only (not children and relatives), asking viewers not to shake hands upon meeting, to wash their hands/sanitise immediately upon entering the property, not to touch anything whilst in the property and to alert us immediately if they believe they have otherwise been exposed to the virus or show any symptoms before or after the viewing.
For our sales, lettings, financial services and survey departments it is very much business as usual, albeit with less personal contact as we would prefer. If the situation worsens we have contingency plans to work remotely, but rest assured if you require any advice or reassurance, please do not hesitate to make contact with us.
James Sellicks